08 / Devlog, June 17 '24

GitHub: https://github.com/nebulousmango/All-Filler-No-Killer

Document references:

  • Spec: link
  • Game design doc: link
  • Production timeline: link

UI art
Made some frames for the dialogue bubble animation, it should look like this in-game:

UI implementation
I've set up a preliminary save-load that uses PlayerPrefs to store the last loaded level. And I've also added the scoring system's UI: each player's scoreboard and a scoreboard animation that pops up at the end of the level. I began work on the level select scene that I made the art for in the last update, but I've still got to add functionality to make it a scrollable list that shows different UI based on whether you've unlocked that level or not. Think it's going to be lots of IF conditions for each level but there must be a more scalable way to do this. And I've also implemented the intro scene with a couple animations!

Opponent paddle
Added an enemy paddle script to have it move along with the ball.

All of the final art implementation is done, with only the dialogue selection mechanic left. Still need to figure out how to write the code for dialogue selection though.