01 / Devlog, Apr 30 '24

GitHub: https://github.com/nebulousmango/Extended-Sabbatical

Document references:

  • Game design doc: link

This game was a mistake to start making, but there was a ticking-down countdown that threw me into a frenzy. I got into my head that I'd make a silly, small game in one night to make myself feel better about not missing a deadline. It ended up not being small at all. I hate coding dialogue systems and every time I sit down to make a narrative code, I code some extremely messy system and tell myself that it's just this once, and next time I'll definitely do it the professional way. That day is never going to come.

But also as per the name, this is a work-in-progress! Have a few more sections to add. And it's so terrible and unpolished, it feels like a blight on my page...I'll work on this slowly and fix it. But at least I did it and pushed it out. Otherwise I would've sat on the idea forever and done nothing with it.

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