02 / Devlog, Apr 30 '24

GitHub: https://github.com/nebulousmango/Extended-Sabbatical

Document references:

  • Game design doc: link

Made more solid-looking art once I'd calmed down a little. But the code is otherwise a total mess.

This was what it looked like before, from start to finish—

It's still very short, but still. At least now I can use the sprite editor in Unity again! Also finishing this has made me realise that All Filler No Killer has been empty for seven months. But something's better than nothing!

Also one last thing to remember for the future: make sure all sprites are UI elements (best verified by whether they've got a Rect Transform component) so that they're scaling the right way on any resolution. And turn off Raycast Target if you want your pointer to ignore an image.

And for custom mouse pointers, make sure to go into the sprite's settings for WebGL and override the max size. Set it to something like 64.

That was my favourite part! When the rest of the project and I was just building it, finding problems with the build, and going back to figure out what went wrong. I must've made something like eight WebGL builds before all the bugs got out.

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