04 / Devlog, May 10 '24

GitHub: https://github.com/nebulousmango/Extended-Sabbatical

Document references:

  • Game design doc: link

Working on some new scenes:

Point and click
I'm using a simple OnPointerEvent function to switch game objects on and off during interactions:

Player controller
A couple scenes have some walking around, so I wrote a short PlayerController script for movement on the X axis with animations to go with them. Also added the usual things like colliders as triggers to show dialogue, whereas the previous scenes had only used pointer events.

I remembered a little about how Animation and Animator Controllers worked from when I learnt about them about four years ago, so I tried a few things out in Unity and made a couple of keyframe animations. I think I'm handling my animation states the wrong way (they're using bools that are set to true and false by a PlayerController script), but it works well enough for now.

Final scene
The last one also has player movement, and this time it needed the camera to follow the player. It might give some UI scaling trouble later, but I'll test this out and see if I need to change it.

Sprites at the end of the scene that needed to be shoddy temporary buttons use an OnMouseDown function:

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